Thursday, May 31, 2012

The ten commandments of business and personal success, follow them and this will be your best year ever.......

Here's what I'm doing to have the best (and
most successful) year of my life!

Join me?  It's easy if you just do this...

Step #1: Print this email.

Step #2: Recite the following 10 statements everyday
for the next 90 days.

My suggestion is to recite the 10 statements in the
morning out loud.

1. Today, I choose to quit allowing other people to
control my thoughts. I refuse to be affected by
negative people. Therefore, I will choose to
spend my free time with positive people.

2. Today, I choose to stop blaming others for my problems.
I will never use other people as an excuse as to why I
cannot be successful. I will stop giving my problems to
other people to solve.

3. Today, I choose to quit being victimized by the media and
other propaganda. It only matters what I know and in whom I
already trust.

4. Today, I choose to control my own destiny. Nobody else
pays my bills or has the responsibility to care for myself or
my family. Therefore, I take responsibility for my own future.

5. Today, I choose to cast away fear completely.
Fear is unbelief. I BELIEVE. Therefore, there is no
room for fear in my life.

6. Today, I choose to stop complaining. I even choose to
stop complaining about those who complain. If I complain,
I remain. Therefore, I choose to be grateful in my
conversations, but most importantly, in my thoughts.

7. Today, I choose to take the words "frustrated" and "can't"
out of my vocabulary. Both of those words reveal a false
perception that I am powerless. I choose to shift my energy
away from those things I cannot change and toward
people and situations that I can change.

8. Today, I choose to be patient with people and treat
them with honor and love. I choose this for all people
around me, including myself, regardless of their past
or my past or even how they treat me. I choose to see
the good and success in myself and in others without
evidence of deserving it.

9. Today, I choose to forgive all those who have hurt
me in the past and all those who will disappoint me in
the future. I even forgive those who deny hurting me
or do not know they've hurt me. I understand that
offense is an enemy to my destiny and will steal my
success and peace. I have a forgiving and humble heart.
I refuse to gossip or "vent" to other people.

10. Today, I choose to be decisive about my future and
act upon that decision daily. I have made up my mind
about what I want for my life, and I refuse to be passive
about my future. I am a person of action. The centerpiece
of my action is serving others. My highest call as a leader
is to serve others.

I choose to adopt these 10 principles as a part of my new
mind set that will take me to my destiny.

Signature x_______________________
Date: __________________________

Gerd Graumann

TrueVoice TTS -  Text-to-Speech voices you won’t believe they’re not Human!

TrueVoice ASR – powerful Speech Recognition Technology

via - Here's what I'm doing to have the best (and most successful) year of my life! Join me?  It's easy if you just do this... Step #1: Print this email. Step #2: Recite the following 10 statements everyday for the next 90 days. My suggestion is to recite the 10 statements in the morning out loud. 1. Toda ...

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