Mike Cohen
1. hateftotti posted on yesterday, 12:55 17 5
Google Now»»»»»»»»>siri
Just wait to see how apple want to mislead its fans again.
2. MichaelHeller posted on yesterday, 13:03 19 0
That’s like saying TV is much better than radio. They are two different things that have different purposes, but have a small set of overlapping features. The comparison is silly.
6. Droid_X_Doug posted on yesterday, 13:39 0 0
I wonder if the evolutionary path doesn’t reflect some of the philosophy of the O/S environments in which the products function? Siri is running in an environment that if there is going to be deep integration, requires the development work to be done by the iOS team. Conversely, given the more open environment of Android, more things can be done by ‘outsiders’.
8. MichaelHeller posted on yesterday, 13:46 0 0
That’s probably part of it. Google has more leeway to fold in external products as needed, and has APIs available for the rest. Surprisingly, there’s no real Google Now API, although the other APIs like Directions, Places, and Calendar all feed into Google Now.
9. Aeires posted on yesterday, 13:48 1 3
Both are personal assistants, to remind you of events and pull information you require. How is that different? The only big difference I see is one is far more intuitive than the other, but at the end of the day, they’re both personal assistants.
11. MichaelHeller posted on yesterday, 13:59 3 0
There is huge variation in the space of “personal assistant”. A to-do notebook can be considered a “personal assistant”, so can an actual human helper. The term “personal assistant” is so general as to be useless. To go back to my original analogy, that’s like saying TV, radio, MP3 players, etc are the same because they’re all “media devices”. A bike and a jet are both “transportation devices”, but that doesn’t make it a good idea to compare them.
17. Aeires posted on yesterday, 14:37 2 2
Except both are apps on a cell phone. Comparing a TV to a radio is silly, but comparing one app on a cell phone to another app on a cell phone that essentially does the same thing isn’t silly.
18. MichaelHeller posted on yesterday, 15:06 3 1
GTAIII and Angry Birds are both cell phone apps that “essentially do the same thing” (entertain). Shall we compare them? How about Hookt and Skype (communication)? How good will those comparisons be? It all depends on how specific your comparison criteria are. If you want to compare “personal assistants”, you won’t get very good comparison points because of the huge variation in methods and features across the thousands of apps that fall in that category.
For example, you could compare WriteRoom and Office, because they are both “productivity tools” with an overlap on word processing, but the comparison is going to be pretty useless.
28. Aeires posted on yesterday, 17:06 3 1
How about just the two that the article is about. I’ll be blunt with this so there’s no misunderstanding the point. I don’t think Apple put near as much work into Siri as you make out. Apple purchased a finished product and tweaked it to fit their needs, hardly deserving the credit of making Siri. As for Google, a Frankenstein approach isn’t that too far off to imagine. Google is well known for trying crazy things and sometimes they nail it, like with Google Now. If you look at everything that went into Now, it’s remarkable, and that shouldn’t be downplayed because they purchased some portions and hired the talent needed to pull it off. All the resources still had to be put together, which was no small feet.
But at the end of the day, they’re both personal assistants. The graphics in this article says “Hello, I’m Siri, your new personal assistant.”
10. itiswhatitis posted on yesterday, 13:55 1 2
If comparison is silly then i guess 99% of the World’s population is silly!
12. MichaelHeller posted on yesterday, 13:59 11 0
This is why my job is difficult…
13. itiswhatitis posted on yesterday, 14:04 0 0
I guess its like you said from one of you articles you must be throwing ‘millions of pebbles’ whatever it is good luck with that,its worth the try….
22. remixfa posted on yesterday, 15:29 11 0
ok.. how about this for a quick metaphore.. if you think of Google’s dozens of services as “cities” unto themselves, they are much like the US on a map.. cities here and there and everywhere. What Google Now does is basically build information highways between all these “cities” so they can now work together. Google Now takes all the information from all these cities (Maps, Search, ect ect ect) and uses it to figure out what you want… and eventually it might know what you want before you do. It watches you while it watches the cities and learns over time. Its pretty much free to grab any information from nearly anywhere from the way its designed. Apple is the opposite. They have one massive city where everything is done. Siri was build IN to the city to work inside it. It does not go outside the city walls as designed. As Apple’s city grows, Siri will grow with it. Siri takes all the information within Apple’s city and keeps it ready for you when you need it. It however will never go beyond the scope of Apple’s city. Some of the base features of both may be the same, but they operate completely different and they are built to do different things from each other.
We have joked that Siri was the beginnings of Skynet. In all honesty, Google Now is way closer to Skynet that Siri will be.. maybe ever. Its always watching and learning what you do. Compared to that, Siri is a rockem-sockem robot.
23. good2great posted on yesterday, 15:40 4 0
beautiful explanation remixfa!!! this lets me know that you are a very unbiased person and at least understand how both OS’s work… this definitely doesn’t take away from Michael H. article you pretty much explained it to educate the trolls in here…lol good article Michael H.
there are a few readers in here that actually enjoy the content of this site than coming here to crack jokes and bash/harass each other about which OS is better…
36. remixfa posted on yesterday, 23:06 0 0
Thanks :)
Yea, I never meant to take away from michael. only help reduce his headache from trying to make people understand. If it helps someone, then it was worth typing it up.
I dont know that true trolls can be educated though. Isnt that against the trolling Alma mater? lol
20. MartyK posted on yesterday, 15:13 5 1
I disagree with ALL; the difference is this: Ifan feels everything Apple market dept says/ puts out is pure-first -time-ever-magic (from Touch screen to Siri). Whereas, the rest of the world KNOWS that every thing is ( in Mike words) peice together, heck the whole COMPUTER language is peice together so there is really nothing new.
Except when it comes to Ifan and Apple, then it’s brand new, SOMEBODY have to call them out on it.
3. tedkord posted on yesterday, 13:07 7 4
But…I thought Google didn’t even think of an intelligent talking assistant until Siri, then they just copied.
7. smartphonemad posted on yesterday, 13:40 2 0
That’s what Apple fans want people to believe :L I mean, with all the people that create ideas for google do you not think someone would have thought of it?
14. protozeloz posted on yesterday, 14:25 0 0
are sarcasms so hard to get these days?
16. MichaelHeller posted on yesterday, 14:31 7 0
This is why we need to standardize punctuation for sarcasm on the web. So many people miss it in the written word. Easiest is just bracketing punctuation to convey sarcasm, since it wouldn’t need new keystrokes to be learned.
Fanboys are so rational[!]
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How Google Now was built (and a bit on Siri too)
0. phoneArena posted on yesterday, 12:47
You’ll probably notice pretty quickly, but Google Now is a product/platform that really excites us. We can’t say for sure that it will live up to the potential, but if it can, it could be something pretty special. Of course, Google didn’t build this product alone, there was a long, strange journey to get here…
This is a discussion for a news. To read the whole news, click here
19. protozeloz posted on yesterday, 15:08 2 0
sarcasm standard would be kinda hard since there are a few keys used for sarcasm but my favorite is “/s” ie
phonearena is full of rational fanboys /s
29. jroc74 posted on yesterday, 18:23 0 0
tedkord shoulda added 2 more “but”s…lol.
15. Sniggly posted on yesterday, 14:27 0 0
my apologies, man. I meant to thumb this comment up. It was a good snarky little comment. :)
27. tedkord posted on yesterday, 16:57 0 0
Yeah, it was snarkier than I intended. I’ve been working 13 days straight, 12 hours per day, 1 day off and start over, for several weeks now. I am exhausted, and maybe a little cranky.
21. appleDOESNT.com posted on yesterday, 15:17 3 1
Siri isn’t even the first virtual assistant. your point is pointless. Anyways, Apple bought Siri in 2010 as a response to Google voice dictation and voice actions that debuted in 2009, no apple voice competitor until late 2011, years later.. it took Apple two years to launch Siri… Google Now is an extension on every thing search and they didn’t just whip that pure awesomness in 6 months… If they did? that is a company I like to back!!!
Apple let Google run voice wild for years without a competing product and even longer without Navigation. I like my companies to react and innovate quickly not take years to offer MMS and copy n paste!
30. jroc74 posted on yesterday, 18:29 1 0
lol! +1 to ya… I REALLY, REALLY like this article. Apple and Google took different paths for each product. Whoever says Google is copying Apple/Siri….needs to just play in traffic….sorry. Ok…I only 1/2 mean it…kinda.
Articles like this ….Apple, iPhone fanboys need to really pay attention to. Apple isnt the only company that innovates. How hard is that to understand?
4. sid07desai posted on yesterday, 13:17 8 0
Google is more credible for Android than Apple for Siri. When Google bought Android, it was just in the beginning stages. And then they came up with improvements like Ice Cream Sandwich on their own. And then they created Google Now. Their own creation. Apple did little to make certain changes to Siri but overall it cannot be credited to Apple. As far as efforts are concerned, I think Google has done a better job. But as Michael mentioned in the above comment, the comparison is silly. We users can only wait and see how these evolve on their own.
31. jroc74 posted on yesterday, 18:34 0 0
Agree 100%. At its core…Siri was already developed before Apple bought it. Google Now wasnt. Thats one of the big things about Apple that Apple, iPhone fanboys dont wanna admit. If Apple is innovative for buying companies, technology, apps and adding their twist to it….how can anyone say Google isnt?
It boggles the mind.
5. maxican16 posted on yesterday, 13:21 8 0
The important thing is what works best for each user. For me there is no question, it’s Google Now. I don’t want to have a conversation with my phone, nor do I want to ask the same question time and time again (just have it ready for me already!), or be given incorrect answers (which happens a third of the time on siri). Google Now is already incredibly functional and it will only improve. And when voice search doesn’t have an answer, it gives me a list of Google results that only improve the more I use my phone. Take note Apple… THIS is true innovation.
24. good2great posted on yesterday, 15:44 3 1
what would be funny is if Google released an iOS version of Google Now…lol you guys would be pissed huh? lol
looking at how its broken down its not impossible to happen… lol
25. Sackboy117 posted on yesterday, 16:10 4 0
it would probably become #1 on the App Store and would most likely reach out to previous iPhone models.
33. SBrown posted on yesterday, 21:41 1 0
I usually don’t participate on these comment threads, but I must admit, that was an excellent civil comeback. +1
26. protozeloz posted on yesterday, 16:18 0 0
is quite posible at least from goggles side of things
34. MartyK posted on yesterday, 21:49 0 0
It wouldn’t surprise anyone if Google did place this on IOS or Window phones, in fact most Android Users wouldn’t be upset at all.
Until, IOS Market dept and some crazy Ifan, start screaming out, “Google copy” and then Apple trieds to patent Google now.
37. remixfa posted on yesterday, 23:10 0 0
there are not enough hooks in the “google” apps on iOS to make it work the same. With Android, it comes with all the apps built in to the system. On iOS, not only would it take major app upgrades (like Maps for example.. huge difference between goog maps on android and iOS), it would also require that all those different Google apps be downloaded or preinstalled in iOS with additional hooks built into the OS itself (like Apple would allow that).
And you think the jokes about iOS becoming more “android” with each update is bad now? Just imagine what kind of jokes would be slinging if iOS had a mandatory “google apps” suite on it. lol. those jokes would never end. :)
32. satydesh posted on yesterday, 19:17 0 0
android fans are really aggressive thats Power given by Open source to demand more!!!
38. dreign91 posted on 11 hours ago 0 0
Michael H I must say I feel a tad bit smarter every time I read your articles. I’m very excited for Google Now as well. Yes in the beginning there will be a learning curve, but with all the sources of info your phone can pull from (Gmail, currents, play store, search, places, etc) this has the potential to be legend….(wait for it)…. dary! What will be truly awesome is when Google now is put together with the Google Glass project
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